/* jQuery.mmenu toggles addon CSS */ @import "../inc/variables"; input.mm-toggle, input.mm-check { position: absolute; left: -10000px; } label.mm-toggle, label.mm-check { margin: 0; position: absolute; bottom: 50%; z-index: 2; &:before { content: ''; display: block; } } // styling label.mm-toggle { border-radius: $mm_toggleHeight; width: $mm_toggleWidth; height: $mm_toggleHeight; margin-bottom: -( $mm_toggleHeight / 2 ); &:before { border-radius: $mm_toggleHeight; width: $mm_toggleHeight - 2; height: $mm_toggleHeight - 2; margin: 1px; } } input.mm-toggle:checked ~ label.mm-toggle:before { float: right; } label.mm-check { width: $mm_checkWidth; height: $mm_checkHeight; margin-bottom: -( $mm_checkHeight / 2 ); &:before { border-left: 3px solid; border-bottom: 3px solid; width: 40%; height: 20%; margin: 25% 0 0 20%; opacity: 0.1; @include mm-webkit-prefix( 'transform', rotate( -45deg ) ); } } input.mm-check:checked ~ label.mm-check:before { opacity: 1; } // vertical submenu .mm-menu.mm-vertical .mm-list { > li label { &.mm-toggle, &.mm-check { bottom: auto; margin-bottom: 0; } &.mm-toggle { top: ( $mm_btnSize - $mm_toggleHeight ) / 2; } &.mm-check { top: ( $mm_btnSize - $mm_checkHeight ) / 2; } } } // positioning label { &.mm-toggle, &.mm-check { right: $mm_padding * 2; } } label.mm-toggle { + a, + span { margin-right: $mm_toggleWidth + ( $mm_padding * 2 ); } } label.mm-check { + a, + span { margin-right: $mm_checkWidth + ( $mm_padding * 2 ); } } // positioning with subopen a.mm-subopen + label { &.mm-toggle, &.mm-check { right: $mm_subopenWidth + $mm_padding; } } a.mm-subopen + label.mm-toggle { + a, + span { margin-right: $mm_subopenWidth + $mm_toggleWidth + $mm_padding; } } a.mm-subopen + label.mm-check { + a, + span { margin-right: $mm_subopenWidth + $mm_checkWidth + $mm_padding; } } // positioning with counter em.mm-counter + a.mm-subopen + label { &.mm-toggle, &.mm-check { right: $mm_counterWidth + $mm_subopenWidth + $mm_padding; } } em.mm-counter + a.mm-subopen + label.mm-toggle { + a, + span { margin-right: $mm_counterWidth + $mm_subopenWidth + $mm_toggleWidth + $mm_padding; } } em.mm-counter + a.mm-subopen + label.mm-check { + a, + span { margin-right: $mm_counterWidth + $mm_subopenWidth + $mm_checkWidth + $mm_padding; } } @include mm_colors_toggles; @include mm_colors_checks;